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Poetry Reading - Gulf of Maine Books


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Poetry Reading - Gulf of Maine Books

  • Gulf of Maine Books 134 Maine Street Brunswick, ME, 04011 United States (map)

Kristen will be reading from and signing copies of her recently published poetry collection TOURISTS IN THE KNOWN WORLD. This will be her first public reading from the new book!

She will be joined by poet Sally Bliumis-Dunn. Sally teaches Modern Poetry and Creative Writing at Manhattanville College.  She received her B.A. in Russian language and literature from U.C. Berkeley in 1983 and her MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College in 2002.  Her poems have appeared in BigCityLitLuminaNew York TImes, NimrodThe Paris ReviewPBS News Hour, Prairie SchoonerPoetry LondonRATTLERattapallaxSpoon River Poetry Review and Chance of A Ghost, an anthology put out by Helicon Nine in 2005.  In 2002, she was a finalist for the Nimrod/Hardman Pablo Neruda Prize.  Her book TALKING UNDERWATER was published by Wind Publications in 2007. SECOND SKIN was published by Wind Publications in 2010.  She lives in Armonk, New York and (part-time) in Maine.