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Poetry reading with Elizabeth Tibbetts (via Zoom)


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Poetry reading with Elizabeth Tibbetts (via Zoom)

  • This event will happen via Zoom (map)

Hope Library is pleased to host two well-known local poets for a special reading on Zoom. Kristen Lindquist of Camden and Elizabeth Tibbetts of Hope will be reading from their recent work in an integrated, thematic presentation.

Those interested should email the library at to receive the Zoom information.

About the poets:
Kristen Lindquist of Camden is a poet and freelance writer whose work has appeared in such venues as Down East, Bangor Metro, and Bangor Daily News, as well as many literary journals and anthologies. Her poetry collection Transportation was a finalist for the Maine Literary Award, and Garrison Keillor read three poems from the book on NPR's The Writer’s Almanac. Her most recent book is Tourists in the Known World: New & Selected Poems. She attended Hope School (where the town office/library are now) for 3rd and 4th grades.

Elizabeth Tibbetts’ book, Say What You Can, was published in 2019 by Deerbrook Editions. Her previous book, Perfect Selves won the 2002 Bluestem Poetry Prize. She received a Maine Arts Commision Creative Writing Fellowship. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and has been read on Writers Almanac. Elizabeth grew up in Camden and has lived in Hope with her husband and dogs for the past 30+ years.