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Celebrating Millay: Poet of Rebellion & Bravado


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Celebrating Millay: Poet of Rebellion & Bravado

  • Farnsworth Art Museum 16 Museum Street Rockland, ME, 04841 United States (map)

In honor of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay’s 131st birthday, a line-up of Maine poets will each read one of Millay’s poems celebrating her spirit of rebellion and bravado, as well as one of their own poems. Poets include: Kathleen Ellis (host), Francois Amar, Carol Bachofner, Ellen Goldsmith, Annaliese Jakimides, Judy Kaber, Gary Lawless, Kristen Lindquist, Carl Little, Claire Milliken, Jefferson Navicky, Rachel Ouellette, and Karen Spitfire.

This in-person event will take place in the auditorium of the Farnsworth Art Museum in downtown Rockland, ME. Ticket purchase required: $8 for FAM members; $10 for non-members. For more information and/or to purchase tickets, visit the Farnsworth website in February or call 207.596.6457 after February 11.

A reception will follow the reading at the nearby Millay House.