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Midcoast Audubon Bird Walk: Rockland Breakwater


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Midcoast Audubon Bird Walk: Rockland Breakwater

  • Rockland Breakwater parking area Samoset Road Rockland, ME 04841 United States (map)

The Rockland Breakwater is an inviting place to bird in winter if temperature, tides, and wind cooperate. A walk out on the Breakwater takes you into the middle of Rockland Harbor to where the sea birds can be found. In winter, it is a great spot for Purple Sandpipers, loons, grebes, scoters, Common Goldeneyes, Black Guillemots, and sea ducks.

Navigating the uneven and widely spaced granite blocks requires concentration, so we highly recommend you be stable on your feet for this walk, and wear sturdy boots. Dress warmly as the sea breeze in February is cold!

Trip leaders Gail Presley and Kristen Lindquist will meet you in the Breakwater parking lot at the end of Samoset Road at 9 am. Depending on time and interest, we may continue our walk onto the adjacent Samoset grounds. In case of inclement weather, we’ll reschedule to Sunday, Feb. 11, or cancel if it is a longer weather event. For questions, you can reach Gail Presley at 207-975-5930.

Later Event: February 24
Millay Celebration: Reading