July 9: Rainy garden series
Kristen Lindquist
Visited the beautiful Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay this morning, despite persistent drizzle. The paths were less crowded than usual, and the colors and scents of the summer blooms seemed more vivid in the rain.
standing just so
under the flowering dogwood
fragrant pink sky
atop the weathervane
trilling junco
this garden is his
crouching down
so the lavender's eye-level,
I imagine fields full
Star of Persia allium
blown-out blooms
fireworks above the ferns
rain on rose petals
all-natural rosewater
flush of memory

standing just so
under the flowering dogwood
fragrant pink sky
atop the weathervane
trilling junco
this garden is his
crouching down
so the lavender's eye-level,
I imagine fields full
Star of Persia allium
blown-out blooms
fireworks above the ferns
rain on rose petals
all-natural rosewater
flush of memory